Barney Campbell Biography
Papunya Tula
artist cooperative was
formed in 1972 owned and operated by
Aboriginal people from
Western Desert of
a Senior Aboriginal Law man,
one the first few male artists,
involved with
Papunya Tula
artist cooperative
start of Aboriginal art movement
in the 70's.
in the area of Karrkurritinytja Lake Macdonald
Western Desert.
page 345
Australian Aboriginal Artists dictionary of
Barney Campbell
Tingari Cycle
are ancient Dreaming stories.
has exhibited throughout Australia, Europe and Asia.
in many Australian National Galleries and major
corporate and private
collection in Australia and
throughout the world including:
Gallery Gondwana, Alice
Springs, NT and Sydney, NSW, Australia
Aboriginal Galleries of
Australia, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Aboriginal Desert Art
Gallery, Alice Springs, NT, Australia
Victorian Art Centre
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Anthropology Art Museum,
Perth, WA, Australia
Art Gallery of Western
Australia, Perth, WA, Australia
Anthropology Art Museum,
Perth, WA, Australia
National Gallery of
Victoria Melbourne, VIC, Australia
National Gallery of
Australia Canberra, ACT, Australia
Queensland Art Gallery,
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Art Gallery of South
Australia Adelaide, SA, Australia
Artbank Sydney, NSW,
Museum & Art Gallery
Northern Territory, Darwin, NT, Australia
Holmes a’ Court Collection
Perth, WA, Australia
Aboriginal Desert Art Gallery, Alice
Corporate and private collection in Australia and
throughout the world.

Campbell Tjakamarra,
Tingari cycle,
Synthetic polymer paint on Belgian linen
Image size:
91 x 46 cm,
Framed size: 120 x 86 cm,
see horizontal

Australian Aboriginal Artist dictionary of biographies
Janusz B and Birnberg, Margo (eds.): Aboriginal Artists: Dictionary of
Biographies: Central Desert, Western Desert and Kimberley Region JB
Publishing Australia, Marleston, 2004.
Aboriginal Artists of the Western Desert - A Biographical Dictionary by
Vivien Johnson, published by Craftsman House 1994
The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture edited by Sylvia
Kleinert and Margo Neale published by OUP 2000
Artists: Dictionary of Biographies: Central Desert, Western Desert &
Kimberley Region JB Publishing Australia, Marleston, 2004
Brody, A.
1989 Utopia women’s Paintings: the First Works on Canvas, A summer
Project, 1988-89 exhib. Cat. Heytesbury Holdings, Perth Brody
A. 1990
Utopia, a picture Story, 88 Silk Batiks from the Robert Homes a Court
Gallery and gallery Collection, Heytesbury Holdings LTD Perth NATSIVAD
database, Latz, P. 1995, Bushfires & Bushtucker, IAD Press, Alice
Brody, A.
1989 Utopia women’s Paintings: the First Works on Canvas, A summer
Project 1988-89 exhib. Cat. Heytesbury Holdings, Perth Brody
Amadio, N. und
Kimber, R., Wildbird Dreaming. Aboriginal Art from the Central Deserts
of Australia, Greenhouse Publ., Melbourne 1988; Auckland City Art
Gallery, Auckland 1990, Ausst. Kat.; Australian Aboriginal Art from the
Collection of Donald Kahn. Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami (Hrsg.),
1991, Ausst. Kat.; Droombeelden - Tjukurrpa. Groninger Museum (Hrsg.),
Groningen 1995, Ausst. Kat.; Isaacs, J., Australia´s Living Heritage.
Arts of the Dreaming, Lansdowne Press, Sydney 1984; Isaacs, J.,
Australian Aboriginal Paintings. Lansdowne, Sydney 1989, ISBN
186302011X; Johnson, V., Aboriginal Artists of the Western Desert. A
Biographical Dictionary, Craftsman House, East Roseville 1994, ISBN
9768097817; Modern Art - Ancient Icon. The Aboriginal Gallery of
Dreamings (Hrsg.), o.O. 1992, ISBN 0646080520; Nangara. The Australian
Aboriginal Art Exhibition from the Ebes Collection. The Aboriginal
Gallery of Dreamings (Hrsg.), Melbourne 1996, Ausst. Kat.; Stourton, P.
Corbally, Songlines and Dreamings. Lund Humphries Publ., London 1996,
ISBN 0853316910; The Painted Dream. Contemporary Aboriginal Paintings.
Johnson, V. (Hrsg.), Auckland City Art Gallery, Auckland 1991, Ausst.
Kat.; Tjinytjilpa. The Dotted Design. Aboriginal Art Galleries of
Australia (Hrsg.), Melbourne 1998, Ausst. Kat.; Traumzeit - Tjukurrpa.
Kunst der Aborigines der Western Desert. Die Donald Kahn-Sammlung,
Danzker, J.B. (Hrsg.), Prestel, München und New York 1994, Ausst. Kat.;
Voices of the Earth. Paintings, Photography and Sculpture from
Aboriginal Australia. Gabrielle Pizzi (Hrsg.), Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi,
Melbourne 1996, Ausst. Kat., ISBN 0646288954. |
Australian Aboriginal Art from the Collection of Donald Kahn
1991, Lowe
Art Museum, University of Miami, USA
Bardon, G., 1979, Aboriginal Art
of the Western Desert, Rigby, Adelaide. (C)
Berndt, R. M. and Berndt,
C. H. with Stanton, J., 1982
Aboriginal Australian Art, a Visual
Perspective, Methuen Australia Pty Ltd, Sydney
Brody, A., 1985, The
face of the centre: Papunya Tula paintings
1971-1984, National Gallery
of Victoria, Melbourne
Bardon, G., 1991, Papunya Tula Art
of the Western Desert
McPhee Gribble, Ringwood, Victoria.
Caruana, W.,
1993, Aboriginal Art, Thames and Hudson, London. (C)
Isaacs, J., 1989,
Australian Aboriginal Paintings, Weldon Publishing, New South Wales
Johnson, V., 1994, The Dictionary
of Western Desert Artists
Craftsman House, East Roseville,
New South Wales. (C)
Maughan, J., and Zimmer,
J., (eds), 1986, Dot and Circle, a Retrospective Survey of the
Aboriginal Acrylic Paintings of Central Australia, exhib. cat.,
Communication Services Uni
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,
Melbourne. (C)
Schulz, D., 1994, Lines from the Dreamtime, The
Australian Way, Qantas in flight magazine, May 1994
West, M.K.C.,
(ed.), 1988, The Inspired Dream, Life as art in Aboriginal Australia,
exhib. cat., Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
1993, Tjukurrpa Desert
Dreamings, Aboriginal Art from Central Australia (1971-1993), exhibition
cat., Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth.